Attendance PolicyTop of Page

Maintaining good attendance is essential for maximizing academic achievement as it lays the foundation for success in school and later in life. Attendance is one of the biggest indicators of student success.
Every student must be in school unless it is necessary for him/her to be absent due to illness, medical/dental appoint, court subpoena, or the funeral of an immediate family member.
When a student is absent, the student’s parent/guardian must contact the attendance office to report the absence. Should the student be absent for an extended period of them, please notify the attendance office as soon as possible.
Apollo is a positive attendance school. This means that the student must make-up all missed time due to an excused or unexcused absence. Recovery is held on Wednesday.
If your student is ill and/or unable to attend school, please report their absence to the attendance office by 8:30am. You can report an absence by calling the attendance secretary at 408-928-5402.