Message from Our PrincipalTop of Page
My name is Ms. Murillo, the principal at Apollo High School. On behalf of the teachers and staff, I welcome you to our Apollo family. We are proud to provide a safe, supportive and innovative learning environment to enable our students to catch up on their credits and graduate on time.
Apollo High School provides a small learning community where students receive personal support towards academic success. We enroll students who are low on credits from all 11 of the East Side Union High School District’s comprehensive sites. Based on an individual student’s credit needs, we develop a unique educational plan to guide that student towards graduation. Once a student is back on track with credits, he/she can return to the same homeschool for graduation or remain at Apollo and attend Silicon Valley Career Technical Education (SVCTE) to prepare for a technical career, join our A-G program to attend the California State University (CSU) or pursue higher education in the community college system.
Some of our specific highlights:
- Graduate with 200 credits
- Earn a regular ESUHSD high school diploma
- Small learning environment – 20 students per class
- Individualized Education Plan for credit recovery
- Structured study hall for support and tutoring
- Parent conferences every six weeks
- Students can still play sports, attended dances and other activities at their homeschool
If you are ready to work hard, we hope you will consider Apollo High School to help you get back on the graduation track. Please fill out the interest form and contact your homeschool counselor for a referral form.
Yovi Murillo
Principal of Apollo High School
Yovi Murillo
Principal of Apollo High School